Bootstrapping a fresh Linux install with Ansible
Ansible is an IT tool that enables Infrastructure as Code, letting you automate provisioning, configuration, management and deployment of services and applications. I like using it at a fraction of it's full power to bootstrap fresh installs of Linux for my homelab.
Table of Contents
This is not a comprehensive tutorial for Ansible, but simply a terse quick guide of my personal use case for Ansible in my home lab. For a deeper dive on Ansible, I strongly suggest Learn Linux TV series of Ansible tutorials which is how I first learned to use it myself.
Install Ansible
First install Ansible via package manager. Note that there’s actually two packages to choose from: ansible-core
is very minimal and only comes with a small set of modules and plugins, while ansible
is a larger “batteries included” package with that comes with many Ansible Collections. The playbook I use and which I’ll discuss below only uses built-in modules included in ansible-core
, but if you plan to make more {{ ansible_user }}vanced playbooks, you should probably just install ansible
from the start.
Ansible is available in some, but not all package managers. If it’s not available via your distribution’s package manager, see the Ansible documentation for other ways.
The below will assume you’re using Debian or Ubuntu, which first requires adding the Ansible PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt install ansible -y
The configuration file
For configuration, Ansible uses a ansible.cfg
file, which uses INI syntax. A base config exists at /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
, but you can create a project-specific config file and any changes you make there will supercedes the base config. It’s not required, but without it you have to pass a bunch of options when executing the playbook, like --private_key_file
to specify an SSH key to use. Here is mine:
# ansible.cfg
inventory = hosts.yaml
private_key_file = ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
retry_files_enabled = False
ansible_python_interpreter = /usr/bin/python3
timeout = 30
become = True
become_method = sudo
become_user = root
become_ask_pass = False
pipelining = True
scp_if_ssh = True
Some of these should be fairly self-explanatory. scp_if_ssh
speeds up file copying a little and pipelining = true
vastly improves the speed at which Ansible executes tasks.
The inventory file
Next we need the inventory file, which can be in either YAML or INI synxtax, but I’m much more comfortable working with YAML, so that’s what I use.
# hosts.yaml
ansible_user: # user
ansible_connection: ssh
ansible_host: # ip address
ansible_host: # ip address
ansible_host: # ip address
ansible_host: # ip address
ansible_host: # ip address
ansible_host: # ip address
ansible_host: # ip address
ansible_host: # ip address
ansible_host: # ip address
This inventory is divided into different groups of hosts, and the playbook can target specific ones — for example only server
hosts get Cockpit installed and only pc
hosts (a desktop and a laptop) get Google Chrome. I use the same username on all my machines, so I pass it via the {{ ansible_user }}
The playbook
The below playbook is what I use to bootstrap my Linux machines. It’s pretty basic, compared with all that Ansible can do, but set up my machines up with essential packages and some of my custom configurations. Copies of dotfiles and configs for SMB, Git and more are kept in a files
subdirectory within the Ansible repo. The playbook backs up the existing files on the target machine and copy over my custom ones.
# bootstrap.yaml
- name: Bootstrap Linux Server
user: # user
- name: Safe upgrade of all installed packages
update_cache: yes
upgrade: safe
cache_valid_time: 86400
- name: Install various apt packages
update_cache: yes
name: # list packages to install
- zsh
- git
- sudo
- curl
- wget
- rsync
- net-tools
- smartmontools
- samba
- cifs-utils
- nfs-kernel-server
state: present
install_recommends: yes
- name: Clean cache & remove unnecessary dependencies
autoclean: yes
autoremove: yes
- name: Copy the Samba config file
src: files/smb
dest: /etc/samba/smb.conf
- name: Start the Samba daemon
name: smbd
state: started
- name: Start the NetBIOs daemon
name: nmbd
state: started
- name: Enable the Samba daemon
name: smbd
enabled: yes
- name: Enable the NetBIOS daemon
name: nmbd
enabled: yes
- name: Backup default SMB config & copy over custom SMB config
src: files/samba/smb.conf
dest: /etc/samba/smb.conf
- name: Copy the Git config file
src: files/git/.gitconfig
dest: "/home/{{ ansible_user }}/.gitconfig"
- name: Backup default Nano config & copy custom Nano config
src: files/nano/nanorc
dest: /etc/nanorc
mode: "0644"
backup: yes
- name: Copy .zshrc file
src: files/zshrc
dest: "/home/{{ ansible_user }}/.zshrc"
owner: user
group: group
mode: 0644
- name: Copy .aliases file
src: files/aliases
dest: "/home/{{ ansible_user }}/.aliases"
owner: user
group: group
mode: 0644
- name: Set the default shell
name: "{{ ansible_user }}"
shell: "zsh"
- name: Check if reboot is required
path: /var/run/reboot-required
register: reboot_required_file
- name: Reboot if required
msg: Rebooting due to a kernel update
when: reboot_required_file.stat.exists
This playbook installs a selection of packages I commonly use, changes the default shell from bash to zsh, copies over dotfiles and other configs, and start/enables Samba.
Running the playbook
All that’s left now is to run the playbook, but first it’s highly recommended to do a dry-run that runs the playbook in check mode, to verify it works without making any changes. From within the same directory as all the Ansible files, use the following command:
ansible-playbook bootstrap.yaml --check
You’ll see some output as the playbook carries out its tasks, and if there’s any errors it will clearly say so and cancel.
If all looks good and there’s no errors, you can run the playbook for real:
ansible-playbook bootstrap.yaml
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