Markdown hacks

Markdown can render A LOT of characters and symbols using specific 'entities', and can do other things like render tables, so I made myself a list of common or handy, but easy-to-forget markdown hacks based off the official Markdown Guide.

Table of Contents

  1. Characters & Symbols
  2. Creating Tables in Markdown
  3. Making a Table of Contents in Markdown
  4. References

Characters & Symbols

©Copyright (©)
™Trademark ()
®Registered trademark (®)
↑Up arrow ()
↓Down arrow ()
←Left arrow ()
→Right arrow ()
↰Up left shift arrow ()
↱Up right shift arrow ()
↲Down left shift arrow ()
&rrsh;Down right shift arrow ()
↩Left hook arrow ()
↪Right hook arrow ()
↺Counterclockwise circle arrow ()
↻Clockwise circle arrow ()
↵Carriage return arrow ()
&racuo;Right pointing guillemet (»)
§Section (§)
¶Paragraph ()
πPi (π)
°Degree (°)
€Euro ()
£Pound (£)
¥Yen (¥)
¹Superscript One (¹)
²Superscript Two (²)
³Superscript Three (³)
№Numero sign ()
¼Fraction one-quarter (¼)
½Fraction one-half (½)
¾Fraction three-quarters (¾)
♀Female symbol ()
♂Male symbol ()
★Filled star ()
☆Unfilled star ()
♥Hearts ()
♠Spades ()
♣Clubs ()
♦Diamonds ()
✓Checkmark ()
✗Ballot X or Cross ()
ΔDelta capital letter (Δ)
ΛLambda capital letter (Λ)
ΣSigma capital letter (Σ)
ΦPhi capital letter (Φ)
ΨPsi capital letter (Ψ)
ΩOmega capital letter (Ω)
αAlpha small letter (α)
βBeta small letter (β)
εEpsilon small letter (ε)
λLambda small letter (λ)

Creating Tables in Markdown

| Title     | Description                  |
| --------- | ---------------------------- |
| Star Wars | In a galaxy far, far away... |
| Star Trek | Beam me up, Scotty!          |

A table is rendered:

Star WarsIn a galaxy far, far away…
Star TrekBeam me up, Scotty!

It’s also possible to use line breaks inside a markdown table with HTML.

| Genre  | Examples               |
| ------ | ---------------------- |
| Sci-Fi | Star Wars<br>Star Trek |

Table with line breaks is rendered:

Sci-FiStar Wars
Star Trek

You can also make lists inside a markdown table with HTML.

| Genre  | Examples                                              |
| ------ | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| Sci-Fi | Titles: <ul><li>Star Wars</li><li>Star Trek</li></ul> |

Table with unordered list is rendered:

  • Star Wars
  • Star Trek

And a numbered/ordered list in markdown.

| Genre  | Examples                                              |
| ------ | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| Sci-Fi | Titles: <ul><li>Star Wars</li><li>Star Trek</li></ul> |

Table with numbered/ordered list is rendered:

  1. Star Wars
  2. Star Trek

Making a Table of Contents in Markdown

This is handy for blogs! A lot of the best markdown applications can automatically generate a table of contents. Frameworks like Nuxt (with the Content module) | and Astro, among others, can make use of this.

### Table of Contents

- [Chapter 1](#ch1)
- [Chapter 2](#ch2)
- [Chapter 3](#ch3)
- [Chapter 4](#ch4)

Table of Contents

Then you just have to link these to a heading ID. Here it is using markdown.

[Chapter 1](#ch1) |

And in HTML.

<a href="#ch1">Chapter 1</a>
