November 1, 2023
Setting up SMB shares is fairly easy, but I do it so infrequently I often forget the steps and need to look them up anyway. So I made myself two sets of smb config files for quickly setting up shares, either public or with a login required.
October 29, 2022
Network File Share or NFS allows sharing directories between Linux hosts on the same network, similar to Samba though it has better performance with small and medium-sized files comparatively. Here's a quick guide on setting up an NFS share between Linux hosts.
October 7, 2022
Debian's non-graphical install does not give you the option to set a static IP, here's a quick guide to doing it manually on the command line.
September 1, 2021
A quick and dirty guide on how to easily set up a Samba share on Linux that can be accessed from Windows PCs on the same network.